1. P. Armenise, S. Bandinelli, C. Ghezzi, and A. Morzenti. Software Process Representation Languages: Survey and Assessment. In Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Capri, Italy, June 17–19. 31 pages, June 1992.
2. Vincenzo Ambriola, Reidar Conradi, and Alfonso Fuggetta. Experiences and Issues in Building and Using Process-centered Software Engineering Environments, December 1994. Internal draft paper V3.0, Univ. Pisa / NTH in Trondheim / Politecnico di Milano, 28 p.
3. Sergio Bandinelli, Marco Braga, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Luigi Lavazza. The Architecture of the SPADE Process-Centered SEE. In [War94], pages 15–30, 1994.
4. Noureddine Belkhatir, Jacky Estublier, and Walcelio Melo. Software Process Model and Work Space Control in the Adele System. In [Ost93], pages 2–11, 1993.
5. Sergio Bandinelli, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Carlo Ghezzi. Software Process Model Evolution in the SPADE Environment. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, pages 1128–1144, December 1993. (special issue on Process Model Evolution).