1. L. Alonso, J.L. Rémy, R. Schott, A linear time algorithm for the generation of trees, Rapport CRIN 90-R-001 (submitted).
2. T. Beyer, S.M. Hedetniemi, Constant time generation of rooted trees, SIAM J. Comp. 9, 706–712, 1980.
3. E.A. Dinits, M.A. Zaitsev, Algorithms for the generation of nonisomorphic trees, Autom. Remote Control, 38, 554–558, 1977
4. M.C. Er, Enumeration Ordered Trees Lexicographically, The Computer Journal, 28, 5, 538–542, 1985.
5. P. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann, B.V. Cutsem, A calculus for the Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures, TCS, 29 pages, to appear. Also available as Inria Research Report 1830 (anonymous ftp on ftp.inria.fr dir IN-RIA/ publication/RR file RR-1830.ps.gz).