1. Edward Thurneysen,A Theology of Pastoral Care (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1962. ?Pastoral care is a conversation resting on a very definite assumption. It intends to be a conversation that proceeds from the Word of God and leads to the Word of God.?
2. Charles V. Gerkin,Crisis Experience in Modern Life (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1979), 37. ?To tend one's experience in an incarnational style is to tend what occurs ... within the hermeneutic of openness to the signs and symbols of the epiphany of God's disclosure in the events of everyday life? (p. 321).
3. James B. Nelson,Between Two Gardens: Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience (New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1983), 29.
4. W. H. Auden, ?For the Time Being,? inReligious Drama I ed. by Marvin Halverson (New York: Meridan Books, Inc., 1957), 68.
5. Ernest Becker,The Denial of Death (New York: The Free Press, 1973), 139ff.