1. ?A National Plan for Energy Research, Development and Demonstration: Creating Energy Choices for the Future?, ERDA-48, Energy Research and Development Administration, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., June 1975.
2. C. D. Keeling, ?Industrial Production of Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuels and Limestone?, Tellus 25, 2, 174?198, (1973).
3. R. M. Rotty, ?Global Carbon Dioxide Production from Fossil Fuels and Cement, A.D. 1950-A.D. 2000?, presented at Office of Naval Research Conference on the Fate of the Fossil Fuel Carbonates, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 19?23, 1976.
4. G. S. Callendar, ?On the Amount of CO2 in the Atmosphere?, Tellus 10, 234?248 (1958).
5. K. Hanson, C. D. Keeling, and L. Machta, ?Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Some Interpretations?, prepared for Office of Naval Research Conference on the Fate of the Fossil Fuel Carbonates, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 19?23, 1976.