1. Jaegermann, C. H.—Effect of exposure to high evaporation and elevated temperature of fresh concrete on the shrinkage and creep characteristics of hardened concrete, D.Sc. Thesis, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, July 1967.
2. Jaegermann, C. H. andGlucklich, J.—Effect of plastic shrinkage on subsequent shrinkage and swelling of the hardened concrete, RILEM-CEM-BUREAU Colloquium on Shrinkage of Hydraulic Concretes, Madrid, March 1968.
3. Jaegermann, C. H., Ravina, D., Glucklich, J. andShalon, R.—Some mechanical properties of mortar and concrete cast under hot-dry weather conditions, Fifth Inter. Symp. on the Chemistry of Cement, Tokyo, Oct. 1968.
4. Jaegermann, C. H. andRavina, D.—Effect of some admixtures on early shrinkage and other properties of prolonged-mixed concrete subjected to high evaporation. RILEM Symp. on Admixtures, Brussels, Aug. 1967.
5. Glucklich, J.—Rheological behavior of hardened cement paste under low stresses, ACI Journal, vol. 31, No. 4, Oct. 1959.