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2. Tablitsy fizicheskikh velichin. Spravochnik (Tables of Physical Quantities: A Handbook), Kikoin, I.K., Ed., Moscow: Atomizdat, 1976, p. 204.
3. Wicks, C.E. and Block, F.E.,Thermodynamic Properties of 65 Elements — Their Oxides, Halides, Carbides, and Nitrides, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1963. Translated under titleTermodinamicheskie svoistva 65 elementov, ikh okislov, galogenidov, karbidov i nitridov, Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1965, p. 106; p. 172; p. 196.
4. Chen, C.J.,J. Appl. Phys., 1974, vol. 45, no. 10, p. 4663.
5. Kazaryan, M.A. and Trofimov, A.N.,Kratk. Soobshch. Fiz., 1976, no. 4, p. 33.