1. Balaguer, M. (1998), Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2. Benacerraf, P. (1973), ‘‘Mathematical Truth,’’ reprinted in Benacerraf, P., and Putnam, H. (1983), pp. 403–420.
3. Benacerraf, P., and Putnam, H. (eds.) (1983), Philosophy of Mathematics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Brouwer, L. E. J. (1912), ‘‘Intuitionism and Formalism,’’ reprinted in Benacerraf, P., and Putnam, H. (1983), pp. 77–89.
5. Brouwer, L. E. J. (1948), ‘‘Consciousness, Philosophy, and Mathematics,’’ reprinted in Benacerraf, P., and Putnam, H. (1983), pp. 90–96.