1. G. B. Airy, 1830. Figure of the Earth. In Encyclopædia Metropolitana.
2. Appendix, 1815. Appendix containing lists of the office-bearers and members elected since November 1812. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, pp. 541–547.
3. C. Babbage, 1822. A Letter to Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., President of the Royal Society, etc etc on the application of machinery to the purpose of calculating and printing mathematical tables. J Booth: London and Baldwin, Chadock, and Joy: London.
4. C. Babbage, 1830. Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on Some of Its Causes. B. Fellowes, Ludgate Street and J. Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place.
5. J. S. Bailly, 1785. Histoire de l’astronomie moderne, depuis la fondation de l’école d’Alexandrie jusqu’à l’époque de MDCCLXXXII. Paris.