1. American Association of University Professors Committee C on Teaching, Research, and Publication. (1970). Statement on faculty workload. AAUP Bulletin, 56 (March):30?32. (Note: Identically titled works appeared in the same publication in December 1966 and June 1968.)
2. Bolton, D. L. (1965). Measuring faculty load. Improving College and University Teaching, 13:157?158.
3. Buckler, W. (1968). Faculty teaching loads in college and universities. ERIC Report No. 017528.
4. Davis, C. O. (1924). The teaching load in a university. School and Society, 19 (May).
5. Ebel, R. L. (1965). ?Measuring Educational Achievement.? Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.