1. M. Nagamori, I. Malinsky, and A. Claveau:Metall. Trans. B, 1986, vol. 17B, pp. 503–14.
2. W.A. Krivsky and R. Schuhmann, Jr.:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1961, vol. 221, pp. 898–904.
3. A. Schei and O. Sandberg inSelected Topics in High Temperature Chemistry, T. Førland, K. Grjotheim, K. Motzfeldt, and S. Urnes, eds., Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1966, pp. 141–50.
4. A. Schei:Tidsskr. Kjemi, Bergves., Metall., 1969, vol. 27, pp. 152–58.
5. S. Gjerstad: “Chemical metallurgical investigations concerning carbothermic reduction of alumina and silica,” Thesis, Norw. Inst. Techn., Trondheim, 1968, 123 pp. (in Norwegian). See also K. Motzfeldt:Travaux du Comité international pour l'etude des bauxites, de l'alumine et de l'aluminium, 1981, vol. 11, No. 16, Académie Yougoslave des Science et des Arts, Zagreb, 1981, pp. 145–60.