Case report 498


Gero Melanie J.,Kahn Leonard B.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging

Reference19 articles.

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1. Rare presentation of mandibular intraosseous cell Lipoma;Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases;2018-12

2. Aggressive intraosseous lipoma of the intermediate phalanges of the thumb;Molecular and Clinical Oncology;2018-05-18

3. Endoscopic surgery in athletes with a symptomatic calcaneal lipoma;Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy;2017-02-22

4. Intra-Osseous Lipoma of the Talus: A Case Report;Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery;2012-04

5. Intraosseous lipoma: report of 35 new cases and a review of the literature;Skeletal Radiology;2003-03-12







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