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2. Yu. V. Mil'man and V. I. Trefilov, in: The Mechanism of Failure of Metals [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1966).
3. V. N. Gridnev and V. I. Trefilov, in: Physicochemical Studies of High-Temperature Alloys [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1968).
4. I. V. Gridneva, Yu. V. Mil'man, and V. I. Trefilov, Phys. Status Solidi,36a, 59 (1969).
5. M. S. Koval'chenko, V. V. Dzhemelinskii, and V. A. Borisenko, Probl. Prochn., No. 5 (1969).