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2. YANO, H., KUBOTA, T., MIYAMOTO, H., OKADO, T., SCHEERES, D., et al. “Touchdown of the Hayabusa Spacecraft at the Muses Sea on Itokawa,” Science, No. 5778, 2006, pp. 1350–1353.
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4. GASKELL, R., BARNOUIN-JHA, O., SCHEERES, D.J., KONOPLIV, A.S., MUKAI, T., et al. “Characterizing and Navigating Small Bodies with Imaging Data,” Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Vol. 43, Sept. 2008, pp. 1049–1061.
5. BHASKARAN, S., RIEDEL, J., and SYNNOTT, S. “Autonomous Target Tracking of Small Bodies During Flybys,” presented as paper AAS 04-236 at the AAS/AIAA Astro-dynamics Specialist Conference, February 2004, Providence, Rhode Island.