1. V. A. Solonnikov, “Estimate of a generalized energy in a free boundary problem for viscous incompressible liquid,” Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 282 (2001), 216–243.
2. V. A. Solonnikov, “Estimates of solutions of the second initial-boundary value problem for the Stokes system in the space of functions with Hölder continuous derivatives with respect to spatial variables,” Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 259 (1999), 254–279.
3. V. A. Solonnikov, “On instability of axially symmetric equilibrium figures of rotating viscous incompressible liquid,” Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 318 (2004), 277–297.
4. V. A. Solonnikov, “On the problem of stability of equilibrium figures of uniformly rotating viscous incompressible liquid,” [To appear]
5. V. A. Solonnikov, “Letter to the editor,” J. Math. Sci. 135 (2006), no. 6, 3522–3528.