1. S. S. Goncharov and J. F. Knight, “Computable structure and non-structure theorems” [in Russian], Algebra Logika 41, No. 6, 639–681 (2002); English transl.: Algebra Logic 41, No. 6, 351–373 (2002).
2. A. T. Nurtazin, “Computable Classes and Algebraic Autostability Criteria” [in Russian], Thesis, Alma-Ata (1974).
3. S. S. Goncharov and Yu. L. Ershov, Constructive Models [in Russian], Nauchnaya kniga (IDMI), Novosibirsk (1999); English transl.: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, New York (2002).
4. S. S. Goncharov, “Problem of the number of non-self-equivalent constructivizations” [in Russian], Algebra Logika 19, No. 6. 621–639 (1980); English transl.: S. S. Goncharov Algebra Logic 19, No. 6. 401–414 (1980).
5. S. S. Goncharov, “Computability and computable models, mathematical problems from applied logic. II,” In: Logics for the XXIst Century, pp. 99–216, Springer, New York (2006).