1. O. N. Golovin, “On associative operations on the set of groups,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 38, 1237–1260 (1947).
2. O. N. Golovin, “Nilpotent products of groups,” Mat. Sb., 27, 427–545 (1950).
3. O. N. Golovin, “Meta-Abelian products of groups,” Mat. Sb., 28, 431–444 (1951).
4. O. N. Golovin, “On the question on the isomorphism of nilpotent expansions of a group,” Mat. Sb., 28, 334–352 (1951).
5. M. I. Kargapolov and E. I. Timoshenko, “On the question on finite approximability with respect to the conjugacy of meta-Abelian groups,” in: 4th All-Union Symp. on Group Theory, Novosibirsk (1973), pp. 86–88.