1. Barnes, F. H., & Bourdon, L. (1990). Cross-cultural perspectives in residential youth-work: The French educateur and the American child care worker (pp. 301?315). In J. P. Anglin, C. Denholm, R. V. Ferguson, & A. Pence (Eds.), Perspectives in professional child and youth care work. New York: Haworth Press. (Also published as a special issue ofChild & Youth Services, 13(2), 1990, 301?315.)
2. Barnes, F. H., & Kelman, S. M. (1974). From slogans to concepts: A basis for change in child care work.Child Care Quarterly, 3, 7?30.
3. Durkin, R. (1983). The crisis in children's services: The dangers and opportunities for child care workers.Journal of Child Care, 1(5), 1?14.
4. Durkin, R. (1988). Restructuring for competence: A case for democratization and communitization of children's programs. In R. W. Small & F. J. Alwon (Eds.),Challenging the limits of care (pp. 353?368). Needham, Mass.: The Albert E. Trieschman Center.
5. Ginger, S. (1985). The profession and training of specialized educateur. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Youth and Disability, Jerusalem, June 30 to July 5.