1. G. Racah:Phys. Rev.,62, 438 (1942);63, 367 (1943).
2. See the comprehensive book byA. de Shalit andI. Talmi:Nuclear Shell Theory (New York, 1963).
3. See the review article byS. Devons andL. G. Goldfarb: inEncyclopedia of Physics, vol.42 (1957).
4. A. P. Jucys, I. B. Levinson andV. V. Vanagas:Matematicheskii Apparat Teorii Momenta Kolichestva Dvizheniya, Vilnius, Akademiya Nauk Litovskoi SSR (1960) [in Russian: English translation by A. Sen and R. N. Sen:Mathematical Apparatus of the Theory of Angular Momentum (Jerusalem, 1962)].
5. Several articles on these topics are published in Russian in:Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys II, Nr. 1–2 (1962).