1. X-ray studies were by Drs. John F. McCullough and L. P. Sheedy; cardiologic studies by Dr. Louis Landay and Dr. Harry E. Canter; gynecologic surveys by Drs. O. J. Eichorn and David Katz; dermatologic surveys by Drs. W. H. Guy, Frederick Jacob, and Bernard H. Goldmann.
2. Levy, R. L., White, Paul D., Stroud, Wm. D.: Overweight, JAMA 131:951 (July 20) 1946.
3. Whipple, G. H.: Hemoglobin and plasma protein: their production, and utilization and interrelation, Am. J. Med. Sci., 1942, 203, 477.
4. Conn, J. W.: Physiologic. Rev., 24: 31, 1944.
5. Newburgh, L. H.: Physiologic. Rev., 24: 21, 1944