1. T. C. O'Connor andA. F. Roddy,The Production of Condensation Nuclei by heated wires, Journ. de Recherches Atmos.2 (1966), 239.
2. O. Preining,Zum Problem der Eichung fraktionierender Messgeräte für Staube der korpgrossen Zwisen 0, 1 und 1 Mikron mit Hilfe von Testaerosolen, Staub22 (1), (1962), 456.
3. B. Y. Liu, K. T. Whitby andH. H. S. Yu,A Condensation Aerosol Generator for Producing Monodispersed Aerosols in the Size Range, 0.036? to 1.3 ?, Journ. de Recherches Atmos.2 (1966), 397.
4. W. J. Megaw andR. D. Wiffen,The Generation of Condensation Nuclei by ionising radiation, Geof. pura e appl.50 (1961/III), 118.
5. L. W. Pollak andA. L. Metnieks,The Approach to Charge Equilibrium in a Stored Aerosol During Aging, Geof. pura e appl.51 (1962/I), 225.