1. W. Ahrens,Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele, Teubner, Leipzig, 1910 (Vol. 1)and 1918 (Vol. 2).
2. E. R. Berlekamp, J. H. Conway, and R. K. Guy,Winning Ways, vol. 2, Academic Press, London/New York, 1982.
3. H. E. Dudeney,Amusements in Mathematics, Dover, New York, 1958, 1970 (reprint of Nelson, 1917).
4. N. D. Elkies, On numbers and endgames: Combinatorial game theory in chess endgames, in [22], pp. 135-150.
5. G. Foster, Sliding-block problems, Part 1,The Problemist Supplement 49 (November, 2000), 405–407.