1. E. Gold,Maximum Day Temperature and Tephigram, Meteorol. Office, Professional Notes, No. 63 (London 1933).
2. Publ. in Climatology;M. H. Halstead,1954
3. M. H. Halstead andW. H. Clayton,Evaluation of the Fluxes of Sensible and Latent Heat from Measurements of Wind, Temperature and Dew Point Profiles, Geophys. Res. Papers, No. 59, Geophys. Res. Directorate A.F. Cambridge Res. Centre (1958), 97?122.
4. G. J. Haltiner andF. L. Martin,Dynamical and Physical Meteorology (McGraw-Hill Book Comp., Inc., New York 1957), 147?152.
5. G. J. Jefferson,Temperature Rise on Clear Morning, Meteorol. Mag.79 (1950), 33?41.