1. W. T. Koiter,Over de stabiliteit van het elastisch evenwicht, Dissertation, Delft, Holland, 1945
2. Donnell-Wan,Effect of Imperfections on the Building of Thin Cylinders and Columns under Axial Compression, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 17, 1950
3. W. T. Koiter,Non-linear Problems Elastic Stability and Post-Buckling Behaviour, Symposium, Ed. R. E. Langer, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1963
4. W. T. Koiter,Post-Buckling Analysis of a Simple Two-Bar Frame, Recent Progress in Applied Mechanics, Ed. Bertran Broberg, Stockholm, 1967
5. J. Thompson,Basic Principles in the General Theory of Elastic Stability, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Pergamon Press, Vol. 11, London, 1963