1. See, for example,S. Wycech:Proceedings of the International Conference on High-Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure (1973), p. 239.
2. See, for example,M. Leon andR. Seki:Nucl. Phys.,74B, 68 (1974);D. H. Wilkinson:Proceedings of the Rutherford Jubilee International Conference, edited byJ. B. Birks (London, 1961), p. 339.
3. J. K. Kim: Columbia University Report, Nevis,149 (1966), unpublished;
4. W. E. Humphrey andR. R. Ross:Phys. Rev.,127, 1305 (1962);
5. D. N. Tovee, D. H. Davis, J. Simonovíc, G. Bohm, J. Klabuhn, F. Wysotzki, M. Csejthey-Barth, J. H. Wickens, T. Cantwell, C. Níghógaín, A. Montwill, K. Garbowska-Pniewska, J. Pniewski andJ. Zakrzewski:Nucl. Phys.,33 B, 493 (1971).