1. United Nations Secretariat (Geneva): Series of documents ST/SOA/SER.K/ … (Opium) and ST/SOA/SER.S/ … (Cannabis); United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs (Geneva): Bulletin on Narcotics.
2. G. W. LEDDICOTTE, Comm. Intern. Conf. Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, Texas, 1961.
3. R. E. JERVIS, A. K. PERKONS, W. D. MACKINTOSH, M. F. KERR, Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, 1961, paper ICAA 20 (1962) 107.
4. L. C. BATE, J. F. EMERY, G. W. LEDDICOTTE, US-AEC-Report ORNL-TM-1263, 1965.
5. H. L. SCHLESINGER, M. J. PRO, C. M. HOFFMANN, M. COHAN, J. Assoc. off. agric. Chemists, 48 (1965) 1139.