1. COSPAR Working Group VI, 1967: Status report on the applications of space technology to the World Weather Watch. COSPAR Trans., No. 3, Paris.
2. COSPAR Working Group VI, 1969: Systems possibilities for an early GARP experiment. Rept. to JOC (ICSU/WMO Joint Organizing Committee for GARP).
3. GARP Publication Series, 1969: The planning of the First GARP Global Experiment. No. 3, ICSU/WMO.
4. GARP Publication Series, 1969: Supplementary report to JOC.
5. GARP Publication Series, 1970: Comments on the observing and data processing systems for FGGE. GARP Publ. No. 3, a Rept. to JOC for use at the Planning Conference on GARP, Brussels.