1. American Association of Medical Colleges. (2005). AAMC Faculty Policies Search Tool. Retrieved December 5, 2005 from https://services.aamc.org/dsportal/index.cfm?fuseaction=login.login&thread=jump.PRIVATESCHOOLPOLICY&appname=privatesite&frompermissionscheck=true (password required).
2. American Association of Medical Colleges. (2006). AAMC Faculty Roster (2006). Table 6: Distribution of U.S. medical school faculty by degree and department. Retrieved November 28, 2007 from http://www.aamc.org/data/facultyroster/usmsf06/06table6.xls .
3. American Association of Medical Colleges. (2006). Table 25. In Report on Medical School Faculty Salaries. American Association of Medical Colleges (2005/2006) Data Services, Washington, DC: Author.
4. American Association of Medical Colleges. (2007). Special report of full-time faculty counts by department, degree and tenure status as of December 31, 2006. Based on AAMC Faculty Roster data. Retrieved December 10, 2007 (report not publicly available).
5. American Psychological Association. (2006). Faculty Salary Survey. APA Research Office, Washington DC: Author.