1. A. Ardö and L. Philipson. Implementation of a Pascal Based Parallel Language for a Multiprocessor Computer. Software — Practice and Experience, 14(7):643–657, July 1984.
2. A. Ardö. Experimental implementation of an Ada tasking run time system on the multiprocessor computer Cm*. In Proceedings of the Washington Ada Symposium, pages 145–153, March 1984.
3. MRTSI Task Force Ada Runtime Environment Working Group. A Model Runtime System Interface for Ada. ACM, Ada Letters, Vol. 9 No. 1:84–132, January 1989.
4. W. C. Brantley, K. P. McAuliffe, and J. Weiss. RP3 Processor-Memory Element. In Proc of the 1985 International Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 782–789, Oct 1985.
5. Department of Defense, USA. Ada reference manual, February 1983. ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A.