1. I. A. Batalin andA. E. Shabad:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor., Fiz.,60, 894 (1971); Lebedev Phys. Inst. preprint No. 10, (1971), Moscow.
2. S. L. Adler, J. N. Bahcall, C. G. Callan andM. N. Rosenbluth:Phys. Rev. Lett.,25, 1061 (1970).
3. S. L. Adler:Ann. of Phys.,67, 599 (1971).
4. N. P. Klepikov:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor. Fiz.,26, 19 (1954).
5. For another example of external field an evidence for infinite number of poles in the photon propagator was presented byV. I. Ritus:Ann. of Phys. (in print).