1. Carmen, C.O. (1965) Understanding roof action is imperative in longwall mining,Coal Mining and Processing, March, 38?41.
2. McCormick, C.W. (editor) (1977)The NASTRAN User's Manual, Level 17.5, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.
3. Merrit, P.S. and Brezores, D. (1980) Equipment guide: longwalling,Coal Age, December, 58?78.
4. Moebs, N.N. and Curth, E.A. (1976) Geologic and ground-control aspects of an experimental short-wall operation in the Upper Ohio Valley, US Bureau of Mines, RI 8112.
5. Peng, S. S., Chiang, H. S., Hoy, E. and Hutchison, T. (1982) Support resistance and roof behavior of a longwall face with 4-leg shields, inProceedings of the Second Conference on Ground Control in Mining, West Virginia University, July 1982, Morgantown, University of West Virginia, pp. 53?63.