1. M. V. Klykov and G. S. Surkov, “Investigation of a distillation column with integrated heat exchange,” Young People in Science: New Arguments: Coll. Sci. Works from the 2nd Int. Youth Competition (Russia), Sci. Partnership Argument, Lipetsk (2015), pp. 171–179.
2. M. V. Klykov, T. V. Alushkina, and M. O. Abrosimova, “Thermal dehydration of fuel oil,” Neftegaz. Delo, No. 2, 266–280, UGNTU (USPTU), Ufa (2015).
3. M. V. Klykov, E. D. Alekseeva, A. V. Abdullin, and M. P. Savkin, “Utilization of oil sludge,” Integration of Science and Education in Oil and Gas-Specialized Universities-2016: Proc. Int. Sci.-Method. Conf. Dedicated to the 60th Anniv. of the UGNTU Branch in Salavat, Izd. UGNTU, Ufa (2016), pp. 382–383.
4. N. N. Istomin, M. V. Klykov, and E. F. Timergazin, Patent 2178324 RF, IPC2 B 01 D 1/22, “Film evaporator,” Byull., No. 2 (2002).
5. M. V. Klykov, “Distribution of liquid in film evaporators,” Khim. Tekhnol., No. 1 (163), 67–72 (1989).