1. Federal Law, Industrial Safety for Hazardous Production Objects, No. 116-FZ of 07.21.1997.
2. Federal Law, Technical Regulation, No. 184-FZ of 12.27.2002.
3. RD 03-421-01, Procedural Instructions for Diagnosis of the Technical Condition and Determining the Residual Service Life of Vessels and Equipment, Ser. 03. Issue 17, GUP NTTs Industrial Safety, Moscow (2002).
4. N. A. Makhutov, Structural Strength, Life, and Technogenic Safety, in 2 Parts [in Russian], Nauka, Novosibirsk (2005).
5. A. V. Mitrofanov, Method for Monitoring the Condition of Production Equipment According to Probability and Risk of Breakdown Criteria [in Russian], Nedra, Moscow (2007).