Forum: Climate, Ecological, and Social Costs of Livestock Grazing on Western Public Lands


Kauffman J. Boone,Beschta Robert L.,Lacy Peter M.,Liverman Marc


AbstractGrazing by domestic livestock is the most widespread use of public lands in the American West (USA) and their effects on climate change and ways to mitigate those effects are of interest to land managers, policy makers, and the broader public. Kauffman et al. (2022a) provided a meta-analysis of the ecosystem impacts, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and social costs of carbon (SCC) associated with livestock grazing on public lands in the western USA. They determined that GHG emissions from cattle on public lands equaled 12.4 million t CO2e/year. At the scale of land use planning utilized by federal agencies, GHG emissions associated with allocated livestock numbers will typically exceed US Environmental Protection Agencies’ reporting limits (25,000 t) for certain industrial greenhouse gas emitters. As such, these are essentially unreported sources of GHG emissions from public lands. Using the US government’s most recent SCC estimate of $51/t, Kauffman et al. (2022a) determined the total SCC of cattle grazing on public lands to be approximately $264–630 million/year. However, recent advances in the determination of SCC reveal this is to be an underestimate. Using the latest science results in an estimated SCC of $1.1–2.4 billion/year for grazing on public lands. Furthermore, the SCC borne by the public exceeds the economic benefits to private livestock permittees by over $926 million/year. Cessation of public lands grazing is an environmentally and economically sound mitigation and adaptation approach to addressing the climate crisis; an approach that will also facilitate restoration of the myriad of ecosystem services provided by intact wildland ecosystems.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pollution,Ecology,Global and Planetary Change

Reference30 articles.

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