1. American Chemical Society National Historic Chemical Landmarks (ACS NHCL) (2009) Development of the Pennsylvania Oil Industry. http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/pennsylvaniaoilindustry.html. Accessed 2019
2. Barnes JH, WD Sevon (2002) The geological story of Pennsylvania, educational series, 3rd edn, vol 4. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Harrisburg, PA, USA
3. Beers F (1865) Outline map of Venango Co., PA from actual surveys, Atlas of the Oil Region of Pennsylvania, D.R. collection. Beers, Ellis, & Soule, New York, NY, USA
4. Bell HC (1890) History of Venango County, Pennsylvania: its past and present. Brown, Runk & Company, Chicago, IL, USA
5. Bowman I (1911) Well-drilling methods. Water Supply Paper