1. Anding, E. 1905. Enz. d. math. Wiss. vol VI, pt. 2, 1st half, p. 3–15.
2. Eddington, A. S. 1924. Mathematical Theory of Relativity. Cambridge University Press.
3. Eichhorn, H. 1983. Philosophia Naturalis20, p. 147.
4. Moritz, H. 1981. Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium No. 56, eds. E. M. Gaposchkin and B. Kolaczek (D. Reidel), p. 43.
5. Poincare, H.1893, Les Niethodes Nouvelles de lu Mecanique Celeste, vol. II, reprinted, 1957, by Dover, New York.