1. Wylie, W. D. &Churchill-Davidson, H. C. A Practice of Anaesthesia. 1st ed., Chicago: Year Book Publishers Inc. (1961), p. 28.
2. Evans, F. T. &Gray, C. General Anaesthesia, vol. 2. 1st ed., London: Butterworth & Co. (1959), p. 337.
3. Artusio, J. F. &Mazzia, V. D. B. Practical Anesthesiology. 1st ed., St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co. (1962), p. 224.
4. Converse, J. G. &Smotrilla, M. M. Anesthesia and the Asthmatic. Anesth. & Analg. 40:336 (1961).
5. Shnider, S. M. &Papper, E. M. Anesthesia for the Asthmatic Patient. Anesthesiology. 22:886 (1961).