1. Brouwer, D.; 1966, appears inThe Theory of Orbits in the Solar System and in Stellar Systems, ed. by G. Contopoulos, Academic Press, New York, p. 227.
2. Cohen, C. J. and Hubbard, E. C.: 1965,Astronomical Journal 70, 10.
3. Cohen, C. J., Hubbard, E. C., and Oesterwinter, C.: 1972,Astronomical Papers of the American Ephemeris 22, Part 1.
4. Diehl, R. E., 1975:Resonant Gravitational Systems: The Long-Term Motion of Pluto and of a Synchronous Satellite, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
5. Giacaglia, G. E. O., 1965:Evaluation of Methods of Integration by Series in Celestial Mechanics, Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.