1. ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11 1999 Edition.
2. M. Gast, 802.11 Wireless Networks—The Definitive Guide, O’Reilly (2002).
3. A.W. Arbaugh, Narendar Shankar and Y.C. Justin Wan, Your 802.11 Wireless Network Has No Clothes. Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland (March 2001).
4. T. Karygiannis and L. Owens, Wireless network security 802.11, Bluetooth and handheld devices. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.
5. D.L. Lough, Nathaniel J. Davis and Randy C. Marchany, Security vulnerabilities of IEEE 802.11. Apr. (2002), https://courseware.vt.edu/users/marchany/ECE5560/Papers/lough.vulnerabilities.802.11.pdf