1. Bolt, R. A. (1980) „Put-That-There: Voice and Gesture at the Graphics Interface“. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH’80. ACM Press, New York.
2. Bolt, R. A. and Herranz, E. J. (1992) „Two-handed Gesture with Speech in Multi-Modal Natural Dialogue“. Proceedings of UIST’92. ACM Press, New York.
3. Efron, D. (1941) Gesture and Environments. King’s Crown Press, Morningside Heights, New York.
4. Kendon, A. (1986) „Current Issues in the Study of Gestures.“ The Biological Foundations of Gestures: Motor and Semiotic Aspects, Nespoulous, Perron, and Lecours (eds.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsday, N. J.
5. Lakoff, G. and Johnson, M. (1980) Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.