1. Osterweil, L.J.: Software Processes Are Software, Too, Revisited. In: 19th International Conference on Software Engineering, Boston, MA (1997)
2. Osterweil, J.: Software Processes are Software, Too. In: 9th International Conference on Software Engineering, Monterey, CA (1987)
3. Chen, B., Avrunin, G.S., Clarke, L.A., Osterweil, L.J.: Automatic Fault Tree Derivation from Little-JIL Process Definitions, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst UM-CS-2006-01 (January 2006) (2006)
4. Raunak, M.S., Osterweil, L.J.: Process Definition Language Support for Rapid Simulation Prototyping. In: Proceedings of the Software Process Workshop, Beijing, China (2005)
5. Raunak, M.S., Chen, B., Elssamadisy, A., Clarke, L.A., Osterweil, L.J.: Definition and Analysis of Election Processes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Technical Report 2006-19, March 12, 2006 (2006)