1. U. Langefors and B. Kihlstrom, The Modern Technique of Rock Blasting, Wiley, New York (1963).
2. W. I. Duvall and T. C. Atchison, Rock Breakage by Explosives, U.S. Bureau of Mines, R. I. 5336 (1957).
3. L. Hino, Theory and Practice of Blasting, Nippon Koyaku Co. Ltd. (1959).
4. T. C. Atchison, W. I. Duvall and B. Petkof, How Rock Breaks, Rock Products, Feb. 1962.
5. P. A. Persson, N. Lundborg and C. H. Johnansson, The Basic Mechanisms in Rock Blasting, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the Int. Soc. for Rock Mechanics (1970).