1. d'Ambrosio B. (1987) Extending the mathematics in qualitative process theory. Proc.6th National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87), Seattle, July 13–17, 595–599.
2. Bellman R., Zadeh L.A. (1977) Local and fuzzy logics. In: Modern Uses of Multiple-Valued Logic (J.M. Dunn, G. Epstein, eds.), Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, 103–165.
3. Bobrow D.G. (ed.) (1984) Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems (with papers by J. De Kleer, K.D. Forbus, B. Kuipers, B.C. Williams,...). North-Holland, Amsterdam. Also special volume of Artificial Intelligence, 24, 1984.
4. Bourgine P., Raiman O. (1986) Economics as reasoning on a qualitative model, Proc. Inter. Conf. on Economics and Artificial Intelligence, Aix-en-Provence, September, 185–189.
5. Clocksin W.F., Morgan A.J. (1986) Qualitative control. Proc. 7th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Brighton, July, Vol. 1, 350–356.