1. F. N. Rhines:The Sorby Centennial Symposium on the History of Metallurgy, Cleveland, 1963, pp. 417–34, Gordon and Breach Sci. Pub.
2. C. S. Smith and L. Guttman:AIME Trans., 1953, vol.197, p. 85.
3. R. J. Duffin, R. A. Meussner, and F. N. Rhines: Technical Report No. 32, Carnegie Tech., Pittsburgh, Pa., Contract AF 33(616) 294 Exp. Ord.
4. R.T. DeHoff, F.N. Rhines:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1961, vol.221, pp. 975–81.
5. R. L. Fullman:AIME Trans., 1953, vol.197, p. 449.