1. Act (2016a) Act of 20 May 2016 on investments in wind power plants. (Polish Journal of Laws 2016.961)
2. Act (2016b) Act of 22 June 2016 amending the Act on Renewable Energy Sources and certain other acts (Polish Journal of Laws 2016.925)
3. ARE (2009-2016) Statistics of Polish Power Engineering (Statystyka Elektroenergetyki Polskiej) ARE (Agencja Rynku Energii SA), Warsaw, issues from years 2009–2016
4. ARE (2017) Emitor 2016. Emission of environmental pollution in power plants and combined heat and power plants (Emitor 2016. Emisja zanieczyszczeń środowiska w elektrowniach i elektrociepłowniach zawodowych) ARE (Agencja Rynku Energii SA), Warsaw
5. ARP (2016) Basic information about the coal market and the hard coal sector in Poland in 2015. (Podstawowe informacje o rynku oraz sektorze węgla kamiennego w Polsce w 2015 roku) ARP (Industrial Development Agency), Katowice