1. A. A. Stepanova and A. I. Krasitskaya, “Primitive normality and primitive connectedness of a class of divisible polygons,” Algebra and Logic, 58, No. 5, 434-440 (2019).
2. A. I. Krasitskaya, “Stability of the class of divisible S-acts,” Sib. El. Mat. Izv., 17, 726-731 (2020); http://semr.math.nsc.ru/v17/p726-731.pdf.
3. A. A. Stepanova and A. I. Krasitskaya, “P-Stability of some classes of S-Acts,” Sib. Math. J., 62, No. 2, 357-363 (2021).
4. A. I. Krasitskaya, “Complete classes of divisible S-acts,” Regional Sci. and Pract. Conf. in Natural Sci. for Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok, Russia (2017), pp. 257/258.
5. A. I. Krasitskaya, A. A. Stepanova, and Ye. Ya. Gorodetskaya, “Complete classes of divisible S-acts,” in The 4th Annual Stud. Sci. Conf. in English (Vladivostok, 3-15 May 2017), Conf. Proc., S. G. Krasitskaya (ed.), Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (2017), p. 28.