1. F. B. Foley: The Sigma Phase in Certain High-Chromium Steels. Metallurgia (1946) 34, p. 139.
2. W. P. Rees, B. D. Burns, and A. J. Cook: Constitution of Iron-Nickel-Chromium Alloys at 650° to 800°C. Journal Iron and Steel Institute (1949) 162, p. 325.
3. M. E. Nicholson, C. H. Samans, and F. J. Shortsleev: Composition Limits of Sigma Formation in Nickel-Chromium Steels at 1200°F (650°C). Trans. ASM (1952) 44, p. 601.
4. H. Krainer and M. Leoville-Nowak: The Constitution Diagram of Nitrogen-Containing Chromium-Nickel Steels. Archiv. Eisenhuttenwesen (1942) 15, p. 507.
5. A. M. Talbot and D. E. Furman: Sigma Formation and its Effect on the Impact Properties of Iron-Nickel-Chromium Alloys. Trans. ASM (1953) 45, p. 429.