1. For a recent review seeS. Ishida andM. Oda: inProceedings of the International Symposium on Extended Objects and Bound Systems, Karuizawa, Japan, 1992, edited byO. Hara, S. Ishida andS. Naka (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), p. 181.
2. S. Ishida andM. Oda:Prog. Theor. Phys.,89, 1033 (1993); see also these proceedings, p. 2519.
3. S. Ishida andK. Yamada:Phys. Rev. D,35, 265 (1987).
4. G. Fogleman, D. B. Lichtenberg andJ. G. Wills:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,26, 369 (1979).
5. Particle Data Group:Phys. Rev. D,45, I.1 (1992).