1. Anonymous 1794 A Plan of the Town of Concord. Survey by order of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Archives Maps and Plans 1178. On file, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston.
2. Barber, John 1839 Historical Collections Relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts. Dorr, Howland, Worcester, MA.
3. Beaudry, Mary C. 1995 Scratching the Surface: Seven Seasons at the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm, Newbury, Massachusetts. Northeast Historic Archaeology 24:19–50.
4. Beers, Franklin W. 1875 Atlas of Middlesex County, Massachusetts. J. B. Beers, New York.
5. Blanding, Thomas 1996 Thoreau and the Nineteenth Century Native Americans. Presentation with Michael A. Volmar for Massachusetts Archaeology Week, Fruitlands Museums, Harvard, MA.