Introduction to the Green River Formation


Smith Michael Elliot,Carroll Alan R.


Springer Netherlands

Reference98 articles.

1. Aswasereelert W, Meyers SR, Carroll AR, Peters SE, Smith ME, Feigl KL (2013) Basin-scale cyclostratigraphy of the Green River Formation, Wyoming. Geol Soc Am Bull 125:216–228

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3. Bohacs KM, Grabowski GJ, Carroll AR (2007) Lithofacies architecture and variations in expression of sequence stratigraphy within representative intervals of the Green River Formation, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming and Colorado. Mt Geol 44:39–60

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5. Bradley WH (1928) Algae reefs and oolites of the Green River Formation. U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 154, pp 203–223







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