1. Emori, R. I. (1968) Analytical Approach to Automobile Collision, Automobile Engineering Conference, SAE Paper No. 680016.
2. Tani, M. and Emori, R. I. (1970) A Study of Automobile Crashworthiness, SAE Trans., SAE Paper No. 700175,.
3. Kamal, M. M. (1970) Analysis and Simulation of Vehicle to Barrier Impact, International Automobile Safety Conference, SAE Paper No. 700414.
4. Lin, K. H. (1973) A Rear-end Barrier Impact simulation Model for Unibody Passenger Cars, SAE Trans. 82: Paper 730156.
5. Dressier, C. J. and Schorry, R. E. (1979) High Speed Impact and Aggressivity Analysis of the CALSPAN/Chrysler Research Safety Vehicles (RSV), 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics, SAE Paper No. 790993.